Drive and Docs with Students


The following topics are essential for successfully and efficiently using your Google Drive and Docs in the classroom.

Creating Templates for Student Use (Screencast Tutorial)

  1. Create a document (of any type)

  2. Publish for everyone to see (but not edit!)

  3. Link to it from a Doc or Site.

  4. Have students Make a copy

  5. They can then use it as needed.

Publishing Documents and Files (Screencast Tutorial)

  1. Click on the Share button again.

  2. The first line of that pop up menu controls the published state of the document. The default is Private.

  3. To change that, click Change.

  4. In your Google Apps account, you have five options:

    1. Public on Web

    2. Anyone with the Link

    3. Public in your Google Apps Domain *

    4. Anyone with the Link in your Domain *

    5. Private *

    6. * You must be logged in to view or edit the document.

  5. Once you publish it, a URL will appear in the sharing box. You can copy and paste that link to share with your class or create an assignment in Schoology.

Interacting in Docs

  1. Adding Comments (Screencast Tutorial)

    1. Highlight the word or words your comment will be referencing.

    2. Go to Insert in the Google Docs menu bar and down to Add Comment

    3. A box on the right side of the screen will appear. Type your comment or question.

  2. Discussions (See Adding Comments screencast)

    • Discussions are part of the comments feature. Once someone has comment, other document collaborators can respond to the comments. E-mails are sent to everyone involve when new comments are added. This allows asynchronous collaboration on a Doc.

  1. Chat (Screencast Tutorial)

    • When more than one user is editing a document, a note will appear on the top right of the Google Docs menu bar. If you click on that message, a chat window will open up on the right side of the screen.

Shared Folders - Individual Student Folders (Screencast Tutorial)

  1. Have each student create a collection with a naming convention you decide upon.

  2. Then students need to share that collection with the teacher.

  3. The teacher then files the student collections into a separate collection.

  4. As students complete work, they add it to their shared collection, automatically giving the teacher viewing and editing rights.