UDL + Technology


Technology is a powerful partner in the UDL mission of removing barriers to learning and allowing students to share their knowledge with multiple representations and flexible means. Below are some of GUHSD's tech tools along with connections to implementation in support of UDL.

Learn more about UDL and our district's UDL Initiative, including presentations and how-tos, by visiting our GUHSD UDL site.

UDL Chart: Engagement, Representation, Action & Expression

Making It Happen In the Classroom

Chromebook Features + Immersive Reader + Online Tools

Chromebook Features

General UDL tech supports for web

Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader Resource Doc

Online Tools

Tech to Support UDL

Lesson Examples (with UDL Explanation)

Science - Example

UDL Sample Science Lesson_Flexible Means

English - Example

UDL Lesson (English): Situational Irony

Social Studies - Example

UDL Sample: Causes of the Russian Revolution

Science - UDL Explanations

UDL Flexible Means Annotated Lesson

English - UDL Explanations

UDL Lesson (English): Situational Irony (ANNOTATED LESSON)

Social Studies - UD Explanations

UDL Sample: Causes of the Russian Revolution - Annotated

Lesson Templates

SIMPLIFIED #1 UDL Lesson Template (DRAFT)
Online Learning Lesson 4-Day Cycle (TEMPLATE DESCRIPTIONS)


More Activities + Tools

UDL - Example Activities and Tools

District Resources

Other Resources