Create surveys that can easily be accessed online. Google Forms collects the data submitted by participants into a Google Spreadsheet. Google Spreadsheets can be formatted to analyze and assess the responses.
Learn the Basics
Additional Resources
Google Forms: Getting Started (screencast)
Google Forms: Share, Collect and Analyze (screencast)
Advanced Settings Resources
Data Validation - Character Counting Tool
Regular Expression - Useful Regular Expression for Validating Input in Google Forms
In-App Training Extension
Making it Happen in Your Classroom
Teacher Preparation
Determine the purpose of your Google Form
Create the Google Form
Lesson Implementation
Push out the Form via Schoology
Students answer questions
View responses in the Spreadsheet
Optional: Project responses (hide names) on screen for discussion
Forms Uses and Examples
Use Forms Quizzes to deliver formative and/or summative assessments - automatic grading of multiple choice options.
NEW!! Locked Quizzes in Google Forms. If you enable "Locked Mode" in your google form quiz, students will not be able to open other tabs while taking the quiz.
Delivering Instruction
Skill Practice
Black Death DBQ Document Grouping / Thesis
Document Analysis
Image Analysis
Reflective Writing
Information Collection
Instant Response Viewing
Survey / Feedback
Study Guide
Voting / Shoutouts
Collecting Digital Assignments
And More
Choose Your Own Adventure Story
Teacher and Assignment Evaluations
Student Government - Collect music, preferences, etc.
Social Attitudes in Class
Ice Breaker - Fun questions, then project them