Chrome Extensions

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Chrome Extensions

If you are signed-in to Chrome, you are able to add extra functionality through the installation of Extensions.

An Extension adds some sort of functionality across all tabs and windows of your browser. Extensions can be accessed through the Chrome Web Store.

Chrome Extensions for Students

Students can install already-approved extensions as well.

Extensions for Students Request Form - If there is an Extension you would like students to be able to access and install, please submit your request.

Recommended Extensions for Teachers

  • Extensity - Chrome extensions manager. Quickly enable and disable extensions.

  • AdBlock - Blocks ads all over the web, including Youtube.

  • Grammarly - Checks your writing for grammar in emails and other online communication platforms.

  • Google Docs Quick Create - Add a simple menu to your browser bar to quickly create new Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Forms, and Drawings for Google Drive.

  • One Tab - Click button to pull all tabs into one list.

  • Clipboard History - Keeps a memory of all of the items you saved to your clipboard.

  • TabScissors - Splits the browser window into 2 equal parts, placing a tab in each window.

  • TabGlue - Pulls the split windows back to one.

  • Edpuzzle Extension - Add youtube videos to your Edpuzzle account with one-click!

  • Pear Deck Power Up - Ensures that videos, animations, and GIFs embedded in your Pear Deck slides play at full resolution—exactly the way they should!

  • Screencastify - Create a screencast, upload it to Drive or YouTube (or download it).

  • Nimbus Screenshot - Screenshot taker and annotator (e.g. text, arrows, shapes, etc.)

  • DF Youtube - Eliminate the sidebar of distracting Youtube videos.

  • Linkclump - Select multiple links and automatically open into new tabs.